mxwj 018ff30de3
Some checks failed
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2024-11-15 14:29:18 +08:00

282 lines
9.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import {
window, languages, Uri, Disposable, commands, QuickPickItem,
extensions, workspace, Extension, WorkspaceFolder, QuickPickItemKind,
ThemeIcon, TextDocument, LanguageStatusSeverity, l10n, DocumentSelector
} from 'vscode';
import { JSONLanguageStatus, JSONSchemaSettings } from './jsonClient';
type ShowSchemasInput = {
schemas: string[];
uri: string;
interface ShowSchemasItem extends QuickPickItem {
uri?: Uri;
buttonCommands?: (() => void)[];
function getExtensionSchemaAssociations() {
const associations: { fullUri: string; extension: Extension<any>; label: string }[] = [];
for (const extension of extensions.all) {
const jsonValidations = extension.packageJSON?.contributes?.jsonValidation;
if (Array.isArray(jsonValidations)) {
for (const jsonValidation of jsonValidations) {
let uri = jsonValidation.url;
if (typeof uri === 'string') {
if (uri[0] === '.' && uri[1] === '/') {
uri = Uri.joinPath(extension.extensionUri, uri).toString(false);
associations.push({ fullUri: uri, extension, label: jsonValidation.url });
return {
findExtension(uri: string): ShowSchemasItem | undefined {
for (const association of associations) {
if (association.fullUri === uri) {
return {
label: association.label,
detail: l10n.t('Configured by extension: {0}', association.extension.id),
uri: Uri.parse(association.fullUri),
buttons: [{ iconPath: new ThemeIcon('extensions'), tooltip: l10n.t('Open Extension') }],
buttonCommands: [() => commands.executeCommand('workbench.extensions.action.showExtensionsWithIds', [[association.extension.id]])]
return undefined;
function getSettingsSchemaAssociations(uri: string) {
const resourceUri = Uri.parse(uri);
const workspaceFolder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(resourceUri);
const settings = workspace.getConfiguration('json', resourceUri).inspect<JSONSchemaSettings[]>('schemas');
const associations: { fullUri: string; workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined; label: string }[] = [];
const folderSettingSchemas = settings?.workspaceFolderValue;
if (workspaceFolder && Array.isArray(folderSettingSchemas)) {
for (const setting of folderSettingSchemas) {
const uri = setting.url;
if (typeof uri === 'string') {
let fullUri = uri;
if (uri[0] === '.' && uri[1] === '/') {
fullUri = Uri.joinPath(workspaceFolder.uri, uri).toString(false);
associations.push({ fullUri, workspaceFolder, label: uri });
const userSettingSchemas = settings?.globalValue;
if (Array.isArray(userSettingSchemas)) {
for (const setting of userSettingSchemas) {
const uri = setting.url;
if (typeof uri === 'string') {
let fullUri = uri;
if (workspaceFolder && uri[0] === '.' && uri[1] === '/') {
fullUri = Uri.joinPath(workspaceFolder.uri, uri).toString(false);
associations.push({ fullUri, workspaceFolder: undefined, label: uri });
return {
findSetting(uri: string): ShowSchemasItem | undefined {
for (const association of associations) {
if (association.fullUri === uri) {
return {
label: association.label,
detail: association.workspaceFolder ? l10n.t('Configured in workspace settings') : l10n.t('Configured in user settings'),
uri: Uri.parse(association.fullUri),
buttons: [{ iconPath: new ThemeIcon('gear'), tooltip: l10n.t('Open Settings') }],
buttonCommands: [() => commands.executeCommand(association.workspaceFolder ? 'workbench.action.openWorkspaceSettingsFile' : 'workbench.action.openSettingsJson', ['json.schemas'])]
return undefined;
function showSchemaList(input: ShowSchemasInput) {
const extensionSchemaAssocations = getExtensionSchemaAssociations();
const settingsSchemaAssocations = getSettingsSchemaAssociations(input.uri);
const extensionEntries = [];
const settingsEntries = [];
const otherEntries = [];
for (const schemaUri of input.schemas) {
const extensionEntry = extensionSchemaAssocations.findExtension(schemaUri);
if (extensionEntry) {
const settingsEntry = settingsSchemaAssocations.findSetting(schemaUri);
if (settingsEntry) {
otherEntries.push({ label: schemaUri, uri: Uri.parse(schemaUri) });
const items: ShowSchemasItem[] = [...extensionEntries, ...settingsEntries, ...otherEntries];
if (items.length === 0) {
label: l10n.t('No schema configured for this file'),
buttons: [{ iconPath: new ThemeIcon('gear'), tooltip: l10n.t('Open Settings') }],
buttonCommands: [() => commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.openSettingsJson', ['json.schemas'])]
items.push({ label: '', kind: QuickPickItemKind.Separator });
items.push({ label: l10n.t('Learn more about JSON schema configuration...'), uri: Uri.parse('https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/json#_json-schemas-and-settings') });
const quickPick = window.createQuickPick<ShowSchemasItem>();
quickPick.placeholder = items.length ? l10n.t('Select the schema to use for {0}', input.uri) : undefined;
quickPick.items = items;
quickPick.onDidAccept(() => {
const uri = quickPick.selectedItems[0].uri;
if (uri) {
commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', uri);
quickPick.onDidTriggerItemButton(b => {
const index = b.item.buttons?.indexOf(b.button);
if (index !== undefined && index >= 0 && b.item.buttonCommands && b.item.buttonCommands[index]) {
export function createLanguageStatusItem(documentSelector: DocumentSelector, statusRequest: (uri: string) => Promise<JSONLanguageStatus>): Disposable {
const statusItem = languages.createLanguageStatusItem('json.projectStatus', documentSelector);
statusItem.name = l10n.t('JSON Validation Status');
statusItem.severity = LanguageStatusSeverity.Information;
const showSchemasCommand = commands.registerCommand('_json.showAssociatedSchemaList', showSchemaList);
const activeEditorListener = window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(() => {
async function updateLanguageStatus() {
const document = window.activeTextEditor?.document;
if (document) {
try {
statusItem.text = '$(loading~spin)';
statusItem.detail = l10n.t('Loading JSON info');
statusItem.command = undefined;
const schemas = (await statusRequest(document.uri.toString())).schemas;
statusItem.detail = undefined;
if (schemas.length === 0) {
statusItem.text = l10n.t('No Schema Validation');
statusItem.detail = l10n.t('no JSON schema configured');
} else if (schemas.length === 1) {
statusItem.text = l10n.t('Schema Validated');
statusItem.detail = l10n.t('JSON schema configured');
} else {
statusItem.text = l10n.t('Schema Validated');
statusItem.detail = l10n.t('multiple JSON schemas configured');
statusItem.command = {
command: '_json.showAssociatedSchemaList',
title: l10n.t('Show Schemas'),
arguments: [{ schemas, uri: document.uri.toString() } satisfies ShowSchemasInput]
} catch (e) {
statusItem.text = l10n.t('Unable to compute used schemas: {0}', e.message);
statusItem.detail = undefined;
statusItem.command = undefined;
} else {
statusItem.text = l10n.t('Unable to compute used schemas: No document');
statusItem.detail = undefined;
statusItem.command = undefined;
return Disposable.from(statusItem, activeEditorListener, showSchemasCommand);
export function createLimitStatusItem(newItem: (limit: number) => Disposable) {
let statusItem: Disposable | undefined;
const activeLimits: Map<TextDocument, number> = new Map();
const toDispose: Disposable[] = [];
toDispose.push(window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(textEditor => {
statusItem = undefined;
const doc = textEditor?.document;
if (doc) {
const limit = activeLimits.get(doc);
if (limit !== undefined) {
statusItem = newItem(limit);
toDispose.push(workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(document => {
function update(document: TextDocument, limitApplied: number | false) {
if (limitApplied === false) {
if (statusItem && document === window.activeTextEditor?.document) {
statusItem = undefined;
} else {
activeLimits.set(document, limitApplied);
if (document === window.activeTextEditor?.document) {
if (!statusItem || limitApplied !== activeLimits.get(document)) {
statusItem = newItem(limitApplied);
return {
dispose() {
toDispose.forEach(d => d.dispose());
toDispose.length = 0;
statusItem = undefined;
const openSettingsCommand = 'workbench.action.openSettings';
const configureSettingsLabel = l10n.t('Configure');
export function createDocumentSymbolsLimitItem(documentSelector: DocumentSelector, settingId: string, limit: number): Disposable {
const statusItem = languages.createLanguageStatusItem('json.documentSymbolsStatus', documentSelector);
statusItem.name = l10n.t('JSON Outline Status');
statusItem.severity = LanguageStatusSeverity.Warning;
statusItem.text = l10n.t('Outline');
statusItem.detail = l10n.t('only {0} document symbols shown for performance reasons', limit);
statusItem.command = { command: openSettingsCommand, arguments: [settingId], title: configureSettingsLabel };
return Disposable.from(statusItem);