/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as vfs from 'vinyl-fs'; import * as filter from 'gulp-filter'; import * as util from './util'; import { getVersion } from './getVersion'; type DarwinDocumentSuffix = 'document' | 'script' | 'file' | 'source code'; type DarwinDocumentType = { name: string; role: string; ostypes: string[]; extensions: string[]; iconFile: string; utis?: string[]; }; function isDocumentSuffix(str?: string): str is DarwinDocumentSuffix { return str === 'document' || str === 'script' || str === 'file' || str === 'source code'; } const root = path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)); const product = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, 'product.json'), 'utf8')); const commit = getVersion(root); function createTemplate(input: string): (params: Record) => string { return (params: Record) => { return input.replace(/<%=\s*([^\s]+)\s*%>/g, (match, key) => { return params[key] || match; }); }; } const darwinCreditsTemplate = product.darwinCredits && createTemplate(fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, product.darwinCredits), 'utf8')); /** * Generate a `DarwinDocumentType` given a list of file extensions, an icon name, and an optional suffix or file type name. * @param extensions A list of file extensions, such as `['bat', 'cmd']` * @param icon A sentence-cased file type name that matches the lowercase name of a darwin icon resource. * For example, `'HTML'` instead of `'html'`, or `'Java'` instead of `'java'`. * This parameter is lowercased before it is used to reference an icon file. * @param nameOrSuffix An optional suffix or a string to use as the file type. If a suffix is provided, * it is used with the icon parameter to generate a file type string. If nothing is provided, * `'document'` is used with the icon parameter to generate file type string. * * For example, if you call `darwinBundleDocumentType(..., 'HTML')`, the resulting file type is `"HTML document"`, * and the `'html'` darwin icon is used. * * If you call `darwinBundleDocumentType(..., 'Javascript', 'file')`, the resulting file type is `"Javascript file"`. * and the `'javascript'` darwin icon is used. * * If you call `darwinBundleDocumentType(..., 'bat', 'Windows command script')`, the file type is `"Windows command script"`, * and the `'bat'` darwin icon is used. */ function darwinBundleDocumentType(extensions: string[], icon: string, nameOrSuffix?: string | DarwinDocumentSuffix, utis?: string[]): DarwinDocumentType { // If given a suffix, generate a name from it. If not given anything, default to 'document' if (isDocumentSuffix(nameOrSuffix) || !nameOrSuffix) { nameOrSuffix = icon.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + icon.slice(1) + ' ' + (nameOrSuffix ?? 'document'); } return { name: nameOrSuffix, role: 'Editor', ostypes: ['TEXT', 'utxt', 'TUTX', '****'], extensions, iconFile: 'resources/darwin/' + icon.toLowerCase() + '.icns', utis }; } /** * Generate several `DarwinDocumentType`s with unique names and a shared icon. * @param types A map of file type names to their associated file extensions. * @param icon A darwin icon resource to use. For example, `'HTML'` would refer to `resources/darwin/html.icns` * * Examples: * ``` * darwinBundleDocumentTypes({ 'C header file': 'h', 'C source code': 'c' },'c') * darwinBundleDocumentTypes({ 'React source code': ['jsx', 'tsx'] }, 'react') * ``` */ function darwinBundleDocumentTypes(types: { [name: string]: string | string[] }, icon: string): DarwinDocumentType[] { return Object.keys(types).map((name: string): DarwinDocumentType => { const extensions = types[name]; return { name, role: 'Editor', ostypes: ['TEXT', 'utxt', 'TUTX', '****'], extensions: Array.isArray(extensions) ? extensions : [extensions], iconFile: 'resources/darwin/' + icon + '.icns' }; }); } const { electronVersion, msBuildId } = util.getElectronVersion(); export const config = { version: electronVersion, tag: product.electronRepository ? `v${electronVersion}-${msBuildId}` : undefined, productAppName: product.nameLong, companyName: 'Microsoft Corporation', copyright: 'Copyright (C) 2024 Microsoft. All rights reserved', darwinIcon: 'resources/darwin/code.icns', darwinBundleIdentifier: product.darwinBundleIdentifier, darwinApplicationCategoryType: 'public.app-category.developer-tools', darwinHelpBookFolder: 'VS Code HelpBook', darwinHelpBookName: 'VS Code HelpBook', darwinBundleDocumentTypes: [ ...darwinBundleDocumentTypes({ 'C header file': 'h', 'C source code': 'c' }, 'c'), ...darwinBundleDocumentTypes({ 'Git configuration file': ['gitattributes', 'gitconfig', 'gitignore'] }, 'config'), ...darwinBundleDocumentTypes({ 'HTML template document': ['asp', 'aspx', 'cshtml', 'jshtm', 'jsp', 'phtml', 'shtml'] }, 'html'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['bat', 'cmd'], 'bat', 'Windows command script'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['bowerrc'], 'Bower'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['config', 'editorconfig', 'ini', 'cfg'], 'config', 'Configuration file'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['hh', 'hpp', 'hxx', 'h++'], 'cpp', 'C++ header file'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'c++'], 'cpp', 'C++ source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['m'], 'default', 'Objective-C source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['mm'], 'cpp', 'Objective-C++ source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['cs', 'csx'], 'csharp', 'C# source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['css'], 'css', 'CSS'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['go'], 'go', 'Go source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['htm', 'html', 'xhtml'], 'HTML'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['jade'], 'Jade'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['jav', 'java'], 'Java'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['js', 'jscsrc', 'jshintrc', 'mjs', 'cjs'], 'Javascript', 'file'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['json'], 'JSON'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['less'], 'Less'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['markdown', 'md', 'mdoc', 'mdown', 'mdtext', 'mdtxt', 'mdwn', 'mkd', 'mkdn'], 'Markdown'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['php'], 'PHP', 'source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['ps1', 'psd1', 'psm1'], 'Powershell', 'script'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['py', 'pyi'], 'Python', 'script'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['gemspec', 'rb', 'erb'], 'Ruby', 'source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['scss', 'sass'], 'SASS', 'file'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['sql'], 'SQL', 'script'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['ts'], 'TypeScript', 'file'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['tsx', 'jsx'], 'React', 'source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['vue'], 'Vue', 'source code'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['ascx', 'csproj', 'dtd', 'plist', 'wxi', 'wxl', 'wxs', 'xml', 'xaml'], 'XML'), darwinBundleDocumentType(['eyaml', 'eyml', 'yaml', 'yml'], 'YAML'), darwinBundleDocumentType([ 'bash', 'bash_login', 'bash_logout', 'bash_profile', 'bashrc', 'profile', 'rhistory', 'rprofile', 'sh', 'zlogin', 'zlogout', 'zprofile', 'zsh', 'zshenv', 'zshrc' ], 'Shell', 'script'), // Default icon with specified names ...darwinBundleDocumentTypes({ 'Clojure source code': ['clj', 'cljs', 'cljx', 'clojure'], 'VS Code workspace file': 'code-workspace', 'CoffeeScript source code': 'coffee', 'Comma Separated Values': 'csv', 'CMake script': 'cmake', 'Dart script': 'dart', 'Diff file': 'diff', 'Dockerfile': 'dockerfile', 'Gradle file': 'gradle', 'Groovy script': 'groovy', 'Makefile': ['makefile', 'mk'], 'Lua script': 'lua', 'Pug document': 'pug', 'Jupyter': 'ipynb', 'Lockfile': 'lock', 'Log file': 'log', 'Plain Text File': 'txt', 'Xcode project file': 'xcodeproj', 'Xcode workspace file': 'xcworkspace', 'Visual Basic script': 'vb', 'R source code': 'r', 'Rust source code': 'rs', 'Restructured Text document': 'rst', 'LaTeX document': ['tex', 'cls'], 'F# source code': 'fs', 'F# signature file': 'fsi', 'F# script': ['fsx', 'fsscript'], 'SVG document': ['svg', 'svgz'], 'TOML document': 'toml', 'Swift source code': 'swift', }, 'default'), // Default icon with default name darwinBundleDocumentType([ 'containerfile', 'ctp', 'dot', 'edn', 'handlebars', 'hbs', 'ml', 'mli', 'pl', 'pl6', 'pm', 'pm6', 'pod', 'pp', 'properties', 'psgi', 'rt', 't' ], 'default', product.nameLong + ' document'), // Folder support () darwinBundleDocumentType([], 'default', 'Folder', ['public.folder']) ], darwinBundleURLTypes: [{ role: 'Viewer', name: product.nameLong, urlSchemes: [product.urlProtocol] }], darwinForceDarkModeSupport: true, darwinCredits: darwinCreditsTemplate ? Buffer.from(darwinCreditsTemplate({ commit: commit, date: new Date().toISOString() })) : undefined, linuxExecutableName: product.applicationName, winIcon: 'resources/win32/code.ico', token: process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN'], repo: product.electronRepository || undefined, validateChecksum: true, checksumFile: path.join(root, 'build', 'checksums', 'electron.txt'), }; function getElectron(arch: string): () => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { return () => { const electron = require('@vscode/gulp-electron'); const json = require('gulp-json-editor') as typeof import('gulp-json-editor'); const electronOpts = { ...config, platform: process.platform, arch: arch === 'armhf' ? 'arm' : arch, ffmpegChromium: false, keepDefaultApp: true }; return vfs.src('package.json') .pipe(json({ name: product.nameShort })) .pipe(electron(electronOpts)) .pipe(filter(['**', '!**/app/package.json'])) .pipe(vfs.dest('.build/electron')); }; } async function main(arch: string = process.arch): Promise { const version = electronVersion; const electronPath = path.join(root, '.build', 'electron'); const versionFile = path.join(electronPath, 'version'); const isUpToDate = fs.existsSync(versionFile) && fs.readFileSync(versionFile, 'utf8') === `${version}`; if (!isUpToDate) { await util.rimraf(electronPath)(); await util.streamToPromise(getElectron(arch)()); } } if (require.main === module) { main(process.argv[2]).catch(err => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); }); }