/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { env, ExtensionContext, workspace, window, Disposable, commands, Uri, version as vscodeVersion, WorkspaceFolder, LogOutputChannel, l10n, LogLevel, languages } from 'vscode'; import { findGit, Git, IGit } from './git'; import { Model } from './model'; import { CommandCenter } from './commands'; import { GitFileSystemProvider } from './fileSystemProvider'; import { GitDecorations } from './decorationProvider'; import { Askpass } from './askpass'; import { toDisposable, filterEvent, eventToPromise } from './util'; import TelemetryReporter from '@vscode/extension-telemetry'; import { GitExtension } from './api/git'; import { GitProtocolHandler } from './protocolHandler'; import { GitExtensionImpl } from './api/extension'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import { GitTimelineProvider } from './timelineProvider'; import { registerAPICommands } from './api/api1'; import { TerminalEnvironmentManager, TerminalShellExecutionManager } from './terminal'; import { createIPCServer, IPCServer } from './ipc/ipcServer'; import { GitEditor, GitEditorDocumentLinkProvider } from './gitEditor'; import { GitPostCommitCommandsProvider } from './postCommitCommands'; import { GitEditSessionIdentityProvider } from './editSessionIdentityProvider'; import { GitCommitInputBoxCodeActionsProvider, GitCommitInputBoxDiagnosticsManager } from './diagnostics'; const deactivateTasks: { (): Promise }[] = []; export async function deactivate(): Promise { for (const task of deactivateTasks) { await task(); } } async function createModel(context: ExtensionContext, logger: LogOutputChannel, telemetryReporter: TelemetryReporter, disposables: Disposable[]): Promise { const pathValue = workspace.getConfiguration('git').get('path'); let pathHints = Array.isArray(pathValue) ? pathValue : pathValue ? [pathValue] : []; const { isTrusted, workspaceFolders = [] } = workspace; const excludes = isTrusted ? [] : workspaceFolders.map(f => path.normalize(f.uri.fsPath).replace(/[\r\n]+$/, '')); if (!isTrusted && pathHints.length !== 0) { // Filter out any non-absolute paths pathHints = pathHints.filter(p => path.isAbsolute(p)); } const info = await findGit(pathHints, gitPath => { logger.info(l10n.t('[main] Validating found git in: "{0}"', gitPath)); if (excludes.length === 0) { return true; } const normalized = path.normalize(gitPath).replace(/[\r\n]+$/, ''); const skip = excludes.some(e => normalized.startsWith(e)); if (skip) { logger.info(l10n.t('[main] Skipped found git in: "{0}"', gitPath)); } return !skip; }, logger); let ipcServer: IPCServer | undefined = undefined; try { ipcServer = await createIPCServer(context.storagePath); } catch (err) { logger.error(`[main] Failed to create git IPC: ${err}`); } const askpass = new Askpass(ipcServer); disposables.push(askpass); const gitEditor = new GitEditor(ipcServer); disposables.push(gitEditor); const environment = { ...askpass.getEnv(), ...gitEditor.getEnv(), ...ipcServer?.getEnv() }; const terminalEnvironmentManager = new TerminalEnvironmentManager(context, [askpass, gitEditor, ipcServer]); disposables.push(terminalEnvironmentManager); logger.info(l10n.t('[main] Using git "{0}" from "{1}"', info.version, info.path)); const git = new Git({ gitPath: info.path, userAgent: `git/${info.version} (${(os as any).version?.() ?? os.type()} ${os.release()}; ${os.platform()} ${os.arch()}) vscode/${vscodeVersion} (${env.appName})`, version: info.version, env: environment, }); const model = new Model(git, askpass, context.globalState, context.workspaceState, logger, telemetryReporter); disposables.push(model); const onRepository = () => commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'gitOpenRepositoryCount', `${model.repositories.length}`); model.onDidOpenRepository(onRepository, null, disposables); model.onDidCloseRepository(onRepository, null, disposables); onRepository(); const onOutput = (str: string) => { const lines = str.split(/\r?\n/mg); while (/^\s*$/.test(lines[lines.length - 1])) { lines.pop(); } logger.appendLine(lines.join('\n')); }; git.onOutput.addListener('log', onOutput); disposables.push(toDisposable(() => git.onOutput.removeListener('log', onOutput))); const cc = new CommandCenter(git, model, context.globalState, logger, telemetryReporter); disposables.push( cc, new GitFileSystemProvider(model), new GitDecorations(model), new GitTimelineProvider(model, cc), new GitEditSessionIdentityProvider(model), new TerminalShellExecutionManager(model, logger) ); const postCommitCommandsProvider = new GitPostCommitCommandsProvider(); model.registerPostCommitCommandsProvider(postCommitCommandsProvider); const diagnosticsManager = new GitCommitInputBoxDiagnosticsManager(model); disposables.push(diagnosticsManager); const codeActionsProvider = new GitCommitInputBoxCodeActionsProvider(diagnosticsManager); disposables.push(codeActionsProvider); const gitEditorDocumentLinkProvider = languages.registerDocumentLinkProvider('git-commit', new GitEditorDocumentLinkProvider(model)); disposables.push(gitEditorDocumentLinkProvider); checkGitVersion(info); commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'gitVersion2.35', git.compareGitVersionTo('2.35') >= 0); return model; } async function isGitRepository(folder: WorkspaceFolder): Promise { if (folder.uri.scheme !== 'file') { return false; } const dotGit = path.join(folder.uri.fsPath, '.git'); try { const dotGitStat = await new Promise((c, e) => fs.stat(dotGit, (err, stat) => err ? e(err) : c(stat))); return dotGitStat.isDirectory(); } catch (err) { return false; } } async function warnAboutMissingGit(): Promise { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git'); const shouldIgnore = config.get('ignoreMissingGitWarning') === true; if (shouldIgnore) { return; } if (!workspace.workspaceFolders) { return; } const areGitRepositories = await Promise.all(workspace.workspaceFolders.map(isGitRepository)); if (areGitRepositories.every(isGitRepository => !isGitRepository)) { return; } const download = l10n.t('Download Git'); const neverShowAgain = l10n.t('Don\'t Show Again'); const choice = await window.showWarningMessage( l10n.t('Git not found. Install it or configure it using the "git.path" setting.'), download, neverShowAgain ); if (choice === download) { commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', Uri.parse('https://aka.ms/vscode-download-git')); } else if (choice === neverShowAgain) { await config.update('ignoreMissingGitWarning', true, true); } } export async function _activate(context: ExtensionContext): Promise { const disposables: Disposable[] = []; context.subscriptions.push(new Disposable(() => Disposable.from(...disposables).dispose())); const logger = window.createOutputChannel('Git', { log: true }); disposables.push(logger); const onDidChangeLogLevel = (logLevel: LogLevel) => { logger.appendLine(l10n.t('[main] Log level: {0}', LogLevel[logLevel])); }; disposables.push(logger.onDidChangeLogLevel(onDidChangeLogLevel)); onDidChangeLogLevel(logger.logLevel); const { aiKey } = require('../package.json') as { aiKey: string }; const telemetryReporter = new TelemetryReporter(aiKey); deactivateTasks.push(() => telemetryReporter.dispose()); const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git', null); const enabled = config.get('enabled'); if (!enabled) { const onConfigChange = filterEvent(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration, e => e.affectsConfiguration('git')); const onEnabled = filterEvent(onConfigChange, () => workspace.getConfiguration('git', null).get('enabled') === true); const result = new GitExtensionImpl(); eventToPromise(onEnabled).then(async () => result.model = await createModel(context, logger, telemetryReporter, disposables)); return result; } try { const model = await createModel(context, logger, telemetryReporter, disposables); return new GitExtensionImpl(model); } catch (err) { console.warn(err.message); logger.warn(`[main] Failed to create model: ${err}`); if (!/Git installation not found/.test(err.message || '')) { throw err; } /* __GDPR__ "git.missing" : { "owner": "lszomoru" } */ telemetryReporter.sendTelemetryEvent('git.missing'); commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'git.missing', true); warnAboutMissingGit(); return new GitExtensionImpl(); } finally { disposables.push(new GitProtocolHandler(logger)); } } let _context: ExtensionContext; export function getExtensionContext(): ExtensionContext { return _context; } export async function activate(context: ExtensionContext): Promise { _context = context; const result = await _activate(context); context.subscriptions.push(registerAPICommands(result)); return result; } async function checkGitv1(info: IGit): Promise { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git'); const shouldIgnore = config.get('ignoreLegacyWarning') === true; if (shouldIgnore) { return; } if (!/^[01]/.test(info.version)) { return; } const update = l10n.t('Update Git'); const neverShowAgain = l10n.t('Don\'t Show Again'); const choice = await window.showWarningMessage( l10n.t('You seem to have git "{0}" installed. Code works best with git >= 2', info.version), update, neverShowAgain ); if (choice === update) { commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', Uri.parse('https://aka.ms/vscode-download-git')); } else if (choice === neverShowAgain) { await config.update('ignoreLegacyWarning', true, true); } } async function checkGitWindows(info: IGit): Promise { if (!/^2\.(25|26)\./.test(info.version)) { return; } const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git'); const shouldIgnore = config.get('ignoreWindowsGit27Warning') === true; if (shouldIgnore) { return; } const update = l10n.t('Update Git'); const neverShowAgain = l10n.t('Don\'t Show Again'); const choice = await window.showWarningMessage( l10n.t('There are known issues with the installed Git "{0}". Please update to Git >= 2.27 for the git features to work correctly.', info.version), update, neverShowAgain ); if (choice === update) { commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', Uri.parse('https://aka.ms/vscode-download-git')); } else if (choice === neverShowAgain) { await config.update('ignoreWindowsGit27Warning', true, true); } } async function checkGitVersion(info: IGit): Promise { await checkGitv1(info); if (process.platform === 'win32') { await checkGitWindows(info); } }