parameters: - name: VSCODE_BUILD_WIN32 type: boolean - name: VSCODE_BUILD_WIN32_ARM64 type: boolean steps: - task: NodeTool@0 displayName: "Use Node.js" inputs: versionSource: fromFile versionFilePath: .nvmrc nodejsMirror: - powershell: node build/setup-npm-registry.js $env:NPM_REGISTRY build condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['NPM_REGISTRY'], 'none')) displayName: Setup NPM Registry - powershell: | . build/azure-pipelines/win32/exec.ps1 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # Set the private NPM registry to the global npmrc file # so that authentication works for subfolders like build/, remote/, extensions/ etc # which does not have their own .npmrc file exec { npm config set registry "$env:NPM_REGISTRY" } $NpmrcPath = (npm config get userconfig) echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=NPMRC_PATH]$NpmrcPath" condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['NPM_REGISTRY'], 'none')) displayName: Setup NPM - task: npmAuthenticate@0 inputs: workingFile: $(NPMRC_PATH) condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['NPM_REGISTRY'], 'none')) displayName: Setup NPM Authentication - powershell: | . azure-pipelines/win32/exec.ps1 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" exec { npm ci } workingDirectory: build retryCountOnTaskFailure: 5 displayName: Install build dependencies - template: ../cli/cli-win32-sign.yml@self parameters: VSCODE_CLI_ARTIFACTS: - ${{ if eq(parameters.VSCODE_BUILD_WIN32, true) }}: - unsigned_vscode_cli_win32_x64_cli - ${{ if eq(parameters.VSCODE_BUILD_WIN32_ARM64, true) }}: - unsigned_vscode_cli_win32_arm64_cli