/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { validate } from './util'; export function fetchEditPoint(direction: string): void { if (!validate() || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return; } const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; const newSelections: vscode.Selection[] = []; editor.selections.forEach(selection => { const updatedSelection = direction === 'next' ? nextEditPoint(selection, editor) : prevEditPoint(selection, editor); newSelections.push(updatedSelection); }); editor.selections = newSelections; editor.revealRange(editor.selections[editor.selections.length - 1]); } function nextEditPoint(selection: vscode.Selection, editor: vscode.TextEditor): vscode.Selection { for (let lineNum = selection.anchor.line; lineNum < editor.document.lineCount; lineNum++) { const updatedSelection = findEditPoint(lineNum, editor, selection.anchor, 'next'); if (updatedSelection) { return updatedSelection; } } return selection; } function prevEditPoint(selection: vscode.Selection, editor: vscode.TextEditor): vscode.Selection { for (let lineNum = selection.anchor.line; lineNum >= 0; lineNum--) { const updatedSelection = findEditPoint(lineNum, editor, selection.anchor, 'prev'); if (updatedSelection) { return updatedSelection; } } return selection; } function findEditPoint(lineNum: number, editor: vscode.TextEditor, position: vscode.Position, direction: string): vscode.Selection | undefined { const line = editor.document.lineAt(lineNum); let lineContent = line.text; if (lineNum !== position.line && line.isEmptyOrWhitespace && lineContent.length) { return new vscode.Selection(lineNum, lineContent.length, lineNum, lineContent.length); } if (lineNum === position.line && direction === 'prev') { lineContent = lineContent.substr(0, position.character); } const emptyAttrIndex = direction === 'next' ? lineContent.indexOf('""', lineNum === position.line ? position.character : 0) : lineContent.lastIndexOf('""'); const emptyTagIndex = direction === 'next' ? lineContent.indexOf('><', lineNum === position.line ? position.character : 0) : lineContent.lastIndexOf('><'); let winner = -1; if (emptyAttrIndex > -1 && emptyTagIndex > -1) { winner = direction === 'next' ? Math.min(emptyAttrIndex, emptyTagIndex) : Math.max(emptyAttrIndex, emptyTagIndex); } else if (emptyAttrIndex > -1) { winner = emptyAttrIndex; } else { winner = emptyTagIndex; } if (winner > -1) { return new vscode.Selection(lineNum, winner + 1, lineNum, winner + 1); } return; }