/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'; import { constants, statSync } from 'fs'; import { additionalDeps } from './dep-lists'; export function generatePackageDeps(files: string[]): Set[] { const dependencies: Set[] = files.map(file => calculatePackageDeps(file)); const additionalDepsSet = new Set(additionalDeps); dependencies.push(additionalDepsSet); return dependencies; } // Based on https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:chrome/installer/linux/rpm/calculate_package_deps.py. function calculatePackageDeps(binaryPath: string): Set { try { if (!(statSync(binaryPath).mode & constants.S_IXUSR)) { throw new Error(`Binary ${binaryPath} needs to have an executable bit set.`); } } catch (e) { // The package might not exist. Don't re-throw the error here. console.error('Tried to stat ' + binaryPath + ' but failed.'); } const findRequiresResult = spawnSync('/usr/lib/rpm/find-requires', { input: binaryPath + '\n' }); if (findRequiresResult.status !== 0) { throw new Error(`find-requires failed with exit code ${findRequiresResult.status}.\nstderr: ${findRequiresResult.stderr}`); } const requires = new Set(findRequiresResult.stdout.toString('utf-8').trimEnd().split('\n')); return requires; }