/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as es from 'event-stream'; import _debounce = require('debounce'); import * as _filter from 'gulp-filter'; import * as rename from 'gulp-rename'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as _rimraf from 'rimraf'; import * as VinylFile from 'vinyl'; import { ThroughStream } from 'through'; import * as sm from 'source-map'; import { pathToFileURL } from 'url'; import * as ternaryStream from 'ternary-stream'; const root = path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)); export interface ICancellationToken { isCancellationRequested(): boolean; } const NoCancellationToken: ICancellationToken = { isCancellationRequested: () => false }; export interface IStreamProvider { (cancellationToken?: ICancellationToken): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; } export function incremental(streamProvider: IStreamProvider, initial: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, supportsCancellation?: boolean): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const input = es.through(); const output = es.through(); let state = 'idle'; let buffer = Object.create(null); const token: ICancellationToken | undefined = !supportsCancellation ? undefined : { isCancellationRequested: () => Object.keys(buffer).length > 0 }; const run = (input: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, isCancellable: boolean) => { state = 'running'; const stream = !supportsCancellation ? streamProvider() : streamProvider(isCancellable ? token : NoCancellationToken); input .pipe(stream) .pipe(es.through(undefined, () => { state = 'idle'; eventuallyRun(); })) .pipe(output); }; if (initial) { run(initial, false); } const eventuallyRun = _debounce(() => { const paths = Object.keys(buffer); if (paths.length === 0) { return; } const data = paths.map(path => buffer[path]); buffer = Object.create(null); run(es.readArray(data), true); }, 500); input.on('data', (f: any) => { buffer[f.path] = f; if (state === 'idle') { eventuallyRun(); } }); return es.duplex(input, output); } export function debounce(task: () => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, duration = 500): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const input = es.through(); const output = es.through(); let state = 'idle'; const run = () => { state = 'running'; task() .pipe(es.through(undefined, () => { const shouldRunAgain = state === 'stale'; state = 'idle'; if (shouldRunAgain) { eventuallyRun(); } })) .pipe(output); }; run(); const eventuallyRun = _debounce(() => run(), duration); input.on('data', () => { if (state === 'idle') { eventuallyRun(); } else { state = 'stale'; } }); return es.duplex(input, output); } export function fixWin32DirectoryPermissions(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { if (!/win32/.test(process.platform)) { return es.through(); } return es.mapSync(f => { if (f.stat && f.stat.isDirectory && f.stat.isDirectory()) { f.stat.mode = 16877; } return f; }); } export function setExecutableBit(pattern?: string | string[]): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const setBit = es.mapSync(f => { if (!f.stat) { f.stat = { isFile() { return true; } } as any; } f.stat.mode = /* 100755 */ 33261; return f; }); if (!pattern) { return setBit; } const input = es.through(); const filter = _filter(pattern, { restore: true }); const output = input .pipe(filter) .pipe(setBit) .pipe(filter.restore); return es.duplex(input, output); } export function toFileUri(filePath: string): string { const match = filePath.match(/^([a-z])\:(.*)$/i); if (match) { filePath = '/' + match[1].toUpperCase() + ':' + match[2]; } return 'file://' + filePath.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } export function skipDirectories(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { return es.mapSync(f => { if (!f.isDirectory()) { return f; } }); } export function cleanNodeModules(rulePath: string): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const rules = fs.readFileSync(rulePath, 'utf8') .split(/\r?\n/g) .map(line => line.trim()) .filter(line => line && !/^#/.test(line)); const excludes = rules.filter(line => !/^!/.test(line)).map(line => `!**/node_modules/${line}`); const includes = rules.filter(line => /^!/.test(line)).map(line => `**/node_modules/${line.substr(1)}`); const input = es.through(); const output = es.merge( input.pipe(_filter(['**', ...excludes])), input.pipe(_filter(includes)) ); return es.duplex(input, output); } declare class FileSourceMap extends VinylFile { public sourceMap: sm.RawSourceMap; } export function loadSourcemaps(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const input = es.through(); const output = input .pipe(es.map((f, cb): FileSourceMap | undefined => { if (f.sourceMap) { cb(undefined, f); return; } if (!f.contents) { cb(undefined, f); return; } const contents = (f.contents).toString('utf8'); const reg = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g; let lastMatch: RegExpExecArray | null = null; let match: RegExpExecArray | null = null; while (match = reg.exec(contents)) { lastMatch = match; } if (!lastMatch) { f.sourceMap = { version: '3', names: [], mappings: '', sources: [f.relative.replace(/\\/g, '/')], sourcesContent: [contents] }; cb(undefined, f); return; } f.contents = Buffer.from(contents.replace(/\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g, ''), 'utf8'); fs.readFile(path.join(path.dirname(f.path), lastMatch[1]), 'utf8', (err, contents) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } f.sourceMap = JSON.parse(contents); cb(undefined, f); }); })); return es.duplex(input, output); } export function stripSourceMappingURL(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const input = es.through(); const output = input .pipe(es.mapSync(f => { const contents = (f.contents).toString('utf8'); f.contents = Buffer.from(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, ''), 'utf8'); return f; })); return es.duplex(input, output); } /** Splits items in the stream based on the predicate, sending them to onTrue if true, or onFalse otherwise */ export function $if(test: boolean | ((f: VinylFile) => boolean), onTrue: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, onFalse: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream = es.through()) { if (typeof test === 'boolean') { return test ? onTrue : onFalse; } return ternaryStream(test, onTrue, onFalse); } /** Operator that appends the js files' original path a sourceURL, so debug locations map */ export function appendOwnPathSourceURL(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const input = es.through(); const output = input .pipe(es.mapSync(f => { if (!(f.contents instanceof Buffer)) { throw new Error(`contents of ${f.path} are not a buffer`); } f.contents = Buffer.concat([f.contents, Buffer.from(`\n//# sourceURL=${pathToFileURL(f.path)}`)]); return f; })); return es.duplex(input, output); } export function rewriteSourceMappingURL(sourceMappingURLBase: string): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { const input = es.through(); const output = input .pipe(es.mapSync(f => { const contents = (f.contents).toString('utf8'); const str = `//# sourceMappingURL=${sourceMappingURLBase}/${path.dirname(f.relative).replace(/\\/g, '/')}/$1`; f.contents = Buffer.from(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, str)); return f; })); return es.duplex(input, output); } export function rimraf(dir: string): () => Promise { const result = () => new Promise((c, e) => { let retries = 0; const retry = () => { _rimraf(dir, { maxBusyTries: 1 }, (err: any) => { if (!err) { return c(); } if (err.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' && ++retries < 5) { return setTimeout(() => retry(), 10); } return e(err); }); }; retry(); }); result.taskName = `clean-${path.basename(dir).toLowerCase()}`; return result; } function _rreaddir(dirPath: string, prepend: string, result: string[]): void { const entries = fs.readdirSync(dirPath, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { _rreaddir(path.join(dirPath, entry.name), `${prepend}/${entry.name}`, result); } else { result.push(`${prepend}/${entry.name}`); } } } export function rreddir(dirPath: string): string[] { const result: string[] = []; _rreaddir(dirPath, '', result); return result; } export function ensureDir(dirPath: string): void { if (fs.existsSync(dirPath)) { return; } ensureDir(path.dirname(dirPath)); fs.mkdirSync(dirPath); } export function rebase(count: number): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { return rename(f => { const parts = f.dirname ? f.dirname.split(/[\/\\]/) : []; f.dirname = parts.slice(count).join(path.sep); }); } export interface FilterStream extends NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { restore: ThroughStream; } export function filter(fn: (data: any) => boolean): FilterStream { const result = es.through(function (data) { if (fn(data)) { this.emit('data', data); } else { result.restore.push(data); } }); result.restore = es.through(); return result; } export function streamToPromise(stream: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream): Promise { return new Promise((c, e) => { stream.on('error', err => e(err)); stream.on('end', () => c()); }); } export function getElectronVersion(): Record { const npmrc = fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, '.npmrc'), 'utf8'); const electronVersion = /^target="(.*)"$/m.exec(npmrc)![1]; const msBuildId = /^ms_build_id="(.*)"$/m.exec(npmrc)![1]; return { electronVersion, msBuildId }; }