738 lines
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738 lines
28 KiB
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
export type JSONLanguageStatus = { schemas: string[] };
import {
workspace, window, languages, commands, LogOutputChannel, ExtensionContext, extensions, Uri, ColorInformation,
Diagnostic, StatusBarAlignment, TextEditor, TextDocument, FormattingOptions, CancellationToken, FoldingRange,
ProviderResult, TextEdit, Range, Position, Disposable, CompletionItem, CompletionList, CompletionContext, Hover, MarkdownString, FoldingContext, DocumentSymbol, SymbolInformation, l10n,
} from 'vscode';
import {
LanguageClientOptions, RequestType, NotificationType, FormattingOptions as LSPFormattingOptions, DocumentDiagnosticReportKind,
DidChangeConfigurationNotification, HandleDiagnosticsSignature, ResponseError, DocumentRangeFormattingParams,
DocumentRangeFormattingRequest, ProvideCompletionItemsSignature, ProvideHoverSignature, BaseLanguageClient, ProvideFoldingRangeSignature, ProvideDocumentSymbolsSignature, ProvideDocumentColorsSignature
} from 'vscode-languageclient';
import { hash } from './utils/hash';
import { createDocumentSymbolsLimitItem, createLanguageStatusItem, createLimitStatusItem } from './languageStatus';
import { getLanguageParticipants, LanguageParticipants } from './languageParticipants';
namespace VSCodeContentRequest {
export const type: RequestType<string, string, any> = new RequestType('vscode/content');
namespace SchemaContentChangeNotification {
export const type: NotificationType<string | string[]> = new NotificationType('json/schemaContent');
namespace ForceValidateRequest {
export const type: RequestType<string, Diagnostic[], any> = new RequestType('json/validate');
namespace LanguageStatusRequest {
export const type: RequestType<string, JSONLanguageStatus, any> = new RequestType('json/languageStatus');
interface SortOptions extends LSPFormattingOptions {
interface DocumentSortingParams {
* The uri of the document to sort.
readonly uri: string;
* The sort options
readonly options: SortOptions;
namespace DocumentSortingRequest {
export interface ITextEdit {
range: {
start: { line: number; character: number };
end: { line: number; character: number };
newText: string;
export const type: RequestType<DocumentSortingParams, ITextEdit[], any> = new RequestType('json/sort');
export interface ISchemaAssociations {
[pattern: string]: string[];
export interface ISchemaAssociation {
fileMatch: string[];
uri: string;
namespace SchemaAssociationNotification {
export const type: NotificationType<ISchemaAssociations | ISchemaAssociation[]> = new NotificationType('json/schemaAssociations');
type Settings = {
json?: {
schemas?: JSONSchemaSettings[];
format?: { enable?: boolean };
keepLines?: { enable?: boolean };
validate?: { enable?: boolean };
resultLimit?: number;
jsonFoldingLimit?: number;
jsoncFoldingLimit?: number;
jsonColorDecoratorLimit?: number;
jsoncColorDecoratorLimit?: number;
http?: {
proxy?: string;
proxyStrictSSL?: boolean;
export type JSONSchemaSettings = {
fileMatch?: string[];
url?: string;
schema?: any;
folderUri?: string;
export namespace SettingIds {
export const enableFormatter = 'json.format.enable';
export const enableKeepLines = 'json.format.keepLines';
export const enableValidation = 'json.validate.enable';
export const enableSchemaDownload = 'json.schemaDownload.enable';
export const maxItemsComputed = 'json.maxItemsComputed';
export const editorFoldingMaximumRegions = 'editor.foldingMaximumRegions';
export const editorColorDecoratorsLimit = 'editor.colorDecoratorsLimit';
export const editorSection = 'editor';
export const foldingMaximumRegions = 'foldingMaximumRegions';
export const colorDecoratorsLimit = 'colorDecoratorsLimit';
export interface TelemetryReporter {
sendTelemetryEvent(eventName: string, properties?: {
[key: string]: string;
}, measurements?: {
[key: string]: number;
}): void;
export type LanguageClientConstructor = (name: string, description: string, clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions) => BaseLanguageClient;
export interface Runtime {
schemaRequests: SchemaRequestService;
telemetry?: TelemetryReporter;
readonly timer: {
setTimeout(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): Disposable;
logOutputChannel: LogOutputChannel;
export interface SchemaRequestService {
getContent(uri: string): Promise<string>;
clearCache?(): Promise<string[]>;
export const languageServerDescription = l10n.t('JSON Language Server');
let resultLimit = 5000;
let jsonFoldingLimit = 5000;
let jsoncFoldingLimit = 5000;
let jsonColorDecoratorLimit = 5000;
let jsoncColorDecoratorLimit = 5000;
export interface AsyncDisposable {
dispose(): Promise<void>;
export async function startClient(context: ExtensionContext, newLanguageClient: LanguageClientConstructor, runtime: Runtime): Promise<AsyncDisposable> {
const languageParticipants = getLanguageParticipants();
let client: Disposable | undefined = await startClientWithParticipants(context, languageParticipants, newLanguageClient, runtime);
let restartTrigger: Disposable | undefined;
languageParticipants.onDidChange(() => {
if (restartTrigger) {
restartTrigger = runtime.timer.setTimeout(async () => {
if (client) {
runtime.logOutputChannel.info('Extensions have changed, restarting JSON server...');
const oldClient = client;
client = undefined;
await oldClient.dispose();
client = await startClientWithParticipants(context, languageParticipants, newLanguageClient, runtime);
}, 2000);
return {
dispose: async () => {
await client?.dispose();
async function startClientWithParticipants(context: ExtensionContext, languageParticipants: LanguageParticipants, newLanguageClient: LanguageClientConstructor, runtime: Runtime): Promise<AsyncDisposable> {
const toDispose: Disposable[] = [];
let rangeFormatting: Disposable | undefined = undefined;
const documentSelector = languageParticipants.documentSelector;
const schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem = window.createStatusBarItem('status.json.resolveError', StatusBarAlignment.Right, 0);
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.name = l10n.t('JSON: Schema Resolution Error');
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.text = '$(alert)';
const fileSchemaErrors = new Map<string, string>();
let schemaDownloadEnabled = true;
let isClientReady = false;
const documentSymbolsLimitStatusbarItem = createLimitStatusItem((limit: number) => createDocumentSymbolsLimitItem(documentSelector, SettingIds.maxItemsComputed, limit));
toDispose.push(commands.registerCommand('json.clearCache', async () => {
if (isClientReady && runtime.schemaRequests.clearCache) {
const cachedSchemas = await runtime.schemaRequests.clearCache();
await client.sendNotification(SchemaContentChangeNotification.type, cachedSchemas);
window.showInformationMessage(l10n.t('JSON schema cache cleared.'));
toDispose.push(commands.registerCommand('json.sort', async () => {
if (isClientReady) {
const textEditor = window.activeTextEditor;
if (textEditor) {
const documentOptions = textEditor.options;
const textEdits = await getSortTextEdits(textEditor.document, documentOptions.tabSize, documentOptions.insertSpaces);
const success = await textEditor.edit(mutator => {
for (const edit of textEdits) {
mutator.replace(client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(edit.range), edit.newText);
if (!success) {
window.showErrorMessage(l10n.t('Failed to sort the JSONC document, please consider opening an issue.'));
function filterSchemaErrorDiagnostics(uri: Uri, diagnostics: Diagnostic[]): Diagnostic[] {
const schemaErrorIndex = diagnostics.findIndex(isSchemaResolveError);
if (schemaErrorIndex !== -1) {
const schemaResolveDiagnostic = diagnostics[schemaErrorIndex];
fileSchemaErrors.set(uri.toString(), schemaResolveDiagnostic.message);
if (!schemaDownloadEnabled) {
diagnostics = diagnostics.filter(d => !isSchemaResolveError(d));
if (window.activeTextEditor && window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.toString() === uri.toString()) {
return diagnostics;
// Options to control the language client
const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
// Register the server for json documents
initializationOptions: {
handledSchemaProtocols: ['file'], // language server only loads file-URI. Fetching schemas with other protocols ('http'...) are made on the client.
provideFormatter: false, // tell the server to not provide formatting capability and ignore the `json.format.enable` setting.
customCapabilities: { rangeFormatting: { editLimit: 10000 } }
synchronize: {
// Synchronize the setting section 'json' to the server
configurationSection: ['json', 'http'],
fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/*.json')
middleware: {
workspace: {
didChangeConfiguration: () => client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, { settings: getSettings() })
provideDiagnostics: async (uriOrDoc, previousResolutId, token, next) => {
const diagnostics = await next(uriOrDoc, previousResolutId, token);
if (diagnostics && diagnostics.kind === DocumentDiagnosticReportKind.Full) {
const uri = uriOrDoc instanceof Uri ? uriOrDoc : uriOrDoc.uri;
diagnostics.items = filterSchemaErrorDiagnostics(uri, diagnostics.items);
return diagnostics;
handleDiagnostics: (uri: Uri, diagnostics: Diagnostic[], next: HandleDiagnosticsSignature) => {
diagnostics = filterSchemaErrorDiagnostics(uri, diagnostics);
next(uri, diagnostics);
// testing the replace / insert mode
provideCompletionItem(document: TextDocument, position: Position, context: CompletionContext, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideCompletionItemsSignature): ProviderResult<CompletionItem[] | CompletionList> {
function update(item: CompletionItem) {
const range = item.range;
if (range instanceof Range && range.end.isAfter(position) && range.start.isBeforeOrEqual(position)) {
item.range = { inserting: new Range(range.start, position), replacing: range };
if (item.documentation instanceof MarkdownString) {
item.documentation = updateMarkdownString(item.documentation);
function updateProposals(r: CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null | undefined): CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null | undefined {
if (r) {
(Array.isArray(r) ? r : r.items).forEach(update);
return r;
const r = next(document, position, context, token);
if (isThenable<CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null | undefined>(r)) {
return r.then(updateProposals);
return updateProposals(r);
provideHover(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideHoverSignature) {
function updateHover(r: Hover | null | undefined): Hover | null | undefined {
if (r && Array.isArray(r.contents)) {
r.contents = r.contents.map(h => h instanceof MarkdownString ? updateMarkdownString(h) : h);
return r;
const r = next(document, position, token);
if (isThenable<Hover | null | undefined>(r)) {
return r.then(updateHover);
return updateHover(r);
provideFoldingRanges(document: TextDocument, context: FoldingContext, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideFoldingRangeSignature) {
const r = next(document, context, token);
if (isThenable<FoldingRange[] | null | undefined>(r)) {
return r;
return r;
provideDocumentColors(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideDocumentColorsSignature) {
const r = next(document, token);
if (isThenable<ColorInformation[] | null | undefined>(r)) {
return r;
return r;
provideDocumentSymbols(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideDocumentSymbolsSignature) {
type T = SymbolInformation[] | DocumentSymbol[];
function countDocumentSymbols(symbols: DocumentSymbol[]): number {
return symbols.reduce((previousValue, s) => previousValue + 1 + countDocumentSymbols(s.children), 0);
function isDocumentSymbol(r: T): r is DocumentSymbol[] {
return r[0] instanceof DocumentSymbol;
function checkLimit(r: T | null | undefined): T | null | undefined {
if (Array.isArray(r) && (isDocumentSymbol(r) ? countDocumentSymbols(r) : r.length) > resultLimit) {
documentSymbolsLimitStatusbarItem.update(document, resultLimit);
} else {
documentSymbolsLimitStatusbarItem.update(document, false);
return r;
const r = next(document, token);
if (isThenable<T | undefined | null>(r)) {
return r.then(checkLimit);
return checkLimit(r);
clientOptions.outputChannel = runtime.logOutputChannel;
// Create the language client and start the client.
const client = newLanguageClient('json', languageServerDescription, clientOptions);
const schemaDocuments: { [uri: string]: boolean } = {};
// handle content request
client.onRequest(VSCodeContentRequest.type, async (uriPath: string) => {
const uri = Uri.parse(uriPath);
const uriString = uri.toString();
if (uri.scheme === 'untitled') {
throw new ResponseError(3, l10n.t('Unable to load {0}', uriString));
if (uri.scheme === 'vscode') {
try {
runtime.logOutputChannel.info('read schema from vscode: ' + uriString);
const content = await workspace.fs.readFile(uri);
return new TextDecoder().decode(content);
} catch (e) {
throw new ResponseError(5, e.toString(), e);
} else if (uri.scheme !== 'http' && uri.scheme !== 'https') {
try {
const document = await workspace.openTextDocument(uri);
schemaDocuments[uriString] = true;
return document.getText();
} catch (e) {
throw new ResponseError(2, e.toString(), e);
} else if (schemaDownloadEnabled) {
if (runtime.telemetry && uri.authority === 'schema.management.azure.com') {
/* __GDPR__
"json.schema" : {
"owner": "aeschli",
"comment": "Measure the use of the Azure resource manager schemas",
"schemaURL" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "comment": "The azure schema URL that was requested." }
runtime.telemetry.sendTelemetryEvent('json.schema', { schemaURL: uriString });
try {
return await runtime.schemaRequests.getContent(uriString);
} catch (e) {
throw new ResponseError(4, e.toString());
} else {
throw new ResponseError(1, l10n.t('Downloading schemas is disabled through setting \'{0}\'', SettingIds.enableSchemaDownload));
await client.start();
isClientReady = true;
const handleContentChange = (uriString: string) => {
if (schemaDocuments[uriString]) {
client.sendNotification(SchemaContentChangeNotification.type, uriString);
return true;
return false;
const handleActiveEditorChange = (activeEditor?: TextEditor) => {
if (!activeEditor) {
const activeDocUri = activeEditor.document.uri.toString();
if (activeDocUri && fileSchemaErrors.has(activeDocUri)) {
} else {
const handleContentClosed = (uriString: string) => {
if (handleContentChange(uriString)) {
delete schemaDocuments[uriString];
const watchers: Map<string, Disposable> = new Map();
toDispose.push(new Disposable(() => {
for (const d of watchers.values()) {
const ensureFilesystemWatcherInstalled = (uri: Uri) => {
const uriString = uri.toString();
if (!watchers.has(uriString)) {
try {
const watcher = workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(new RelativePattern(uri, '*'));
const handleChange = (uri: Uri) => {
runtime.logOutputChannel.info('schema change detected ' + uri.toString());
client.sendNotification(SchemaContentChangeNotification.type, uriString);
const createListener = watcher.onDidCreate(handleChange);
const changeListener = watcher.onDidChange(handleChange);
const deleteListener = watcher.onDidDelete(() => {
const watcher = watchers.get(uriString);
if (watcher) {
watchers.set(uriString, Disposable.from(watcher, createListener, changeListener, deleteListener));
} catch {
runtime.logOutputChannel.info('Problem installing a file system watcher for ' + uriString);
toDispose.push(workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(e => handleContentChange(e.document.uri.toString())));
toDispose.push(workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(d => handleContentClosed(d.uri.toString())));
const handleRetryResolveSchemaCommand = () => {
if (window.activeTextEditor) {
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.text = '$(watch)';
const activeDocUri = window.activeTextEditor.document.uri.toString();
client.sendRequest(ForceValidateRequest.type, activeDocUri).then((diagnostics) => {
const schemaErrorIndex = diagnostics.findIndex(isSchemaResolveError);
if (schemaErrorIndex !== -1) {
// Show schema resolution errors in status bar only; ref: #51032
const schemaResolveDiagnostic = diagnostics[schemaErrorIndex];
fileSchemaErrors.set(activeDocUri, schemaResolveDiagnostic.message);
} else {
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.text = '$(alert)';
toDispose.push(commands.registerCommand('_json.retryResolveSchema', handleRetryResolveSchemaCommand));
client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociations(context));
toDispose.push(extensions.onDidChange(_ => {
client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociations(context));
// manually register / deregister format provider based on the `json.format.enable` setting avoiding issues with late registration. See #71652.
toDispose.push({ dispose: () => rangeFormatting && rangeFormatting.dispose() });
toDispose.push(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(e => {
if (e.affectsConfiguration(SettingIds.enableFormatter)) {
} else if (e.affectsConfiguration(SettingIds.enableSchemaDownload)) {
} else if (e.affectsConfiguration(SettingIds.editorFoldingMaximumRegions) || e.affectsConfiguration(SettingIds.editorColorDecoratorsLimit)) {
client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, { settings: getSettings() });
toDispose.push(createLanguageStatusItem(documentSelector, (uri: string) => client.sendRequest(LanguageStatusRequest.type, uri)));
function updateFormatterRegistration() {
const formatEnabled = workspace.getConfiguration().get(SettingIds.enableFormatter);
if (!formatEnabled && rangeFormatting) {
rangeFormatting = undefined;
} else if (formatEnabled && !rangeFormatting) {
rangeFormatting = languages.registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(documentSelector, {
provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(document: TextDocument, range: Range, options: FormattingOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<TextEdit[]> {
const filesConfig = workspace.getConfiguration('files', document);
const fileFormattingOptions = {
trimTrailingWhitespace: filesConfig.get<boolean>('trimTrailingWhitespace'),
trimFinalNewlines: filesConfig.get<boolean>('trimFinalNewlines'),
insertFinalNewline: filesConfig.get<boolean>('insertFinalNewline'),
const params: DocumentRangeFormattingParams = {
textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document),
range: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(range),
options: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asFormattingOptions(options, fileFormattingOptions)
return client.sendRequest(DocumentRangeFormattingRequest.type, params, token).then(
(error) => {
client.handleFailedRequest(DocumentRangeFormattingRequest.type, undefined, error, []);
return Promise.resolve([]);
function updateSchemaDownloadSetting() {
schemaDownloadEnabled = workspace.getConfiguration().get(SettingIds.enableSchemaDownload) !== false;
if (schemaDownloadEnabled) {
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.tooltip = l10n.t('Unable to resolve schema. Click to retry.');
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.command = '_json.retryResolveSchema';
} else {
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.tooltip = l10n.t('Downloading schemas is disabled. Click to configure.');
schemaResolutionErrorStatusBarItem.command = { command: 'workbench.action.openSettings', arguments: [SettingIds.enableSchemaDownload], title: '' };
async function getSortTextEdits(document: TextDocument, tabSize: string | number = 4, insertSpaces: string | boolean = true): Promise<TextEdit[]> {
const filesConfig = workspace.getConfiguration('files', document);
const options: SortOptions = {
tabSize: Number(tabSize),
insertSpaces: Boolean(insertSpaces),
trimTrailingWhitespace: filesConfig.get<boolean>('trimTrailingWhitespace'),
trimFinalNewlines: filesConfig.get<boolean>('trimFinalNewlines'),
insertFinalNewline: filesConfig.get<boolean>('insertFinalNewline'),
const params: DocumentSortingParams = {
uri: document.uri.toString(),
const edits = await client.sendRequest(DocumentSortingRequest.type, params);
// Here we convert the JSON objects to real TextEdit objects
return edits.map((edit) => {
return new TextEdit(
new Range(edit.range.start.line, edit.range.start.character, edit.range.end.line, edit.range.end.character),
return {
dispose: async () => {
await client.stop();
toDispose.forEach(d => d.dispose());
function getSchemaAssociations(_context: ExtensionContext): ISchemaAssociation[] {
const associations: ISchemaAssociation[] = [];
extensions.all.forEach(extension => {
const packageJSON = extension.packageJSON;
if (packageJSON && packageJSON.contributes && packageJSON.contributes.jsonValidation) {
const jsonValidation = packageJSON.contributes.jsonValidation;
if (Array.isArray(jsonValidation)) {
jsonValidation.forEach(jv => {
let { fileMatch, url } = jv;
if (typeof fileMatch === 'string') {
fileMatch = [fileMatch];
if (Array.isArray(fileMatch) && typeof url === 'string') {
let uri: string = url;
if (uri[0] === '.' && uri[1] === '/') {
uri = Uri.joinPath(extension.extensionUri, uri).toString();
fileMatch = fileMatch.map(fm => {
if (fm[0] === '%') {
fm = fm.replace(/%APP_SETTINGS_HOME%/, '/User');
fm = fm.replace(/%MACHINE_SETTINGS_HOME%/, '/Machine');
fm = fm.replace(/%APP_WORKSPACES_HOME%/, '/Workspaces');
} else if (!fm.match(/^(\w+:\/\/|\/|!)/)) {
fm = '/' + fm;
return fm;
associations.push({ fileMatch, uri });
return associations;
function getSettings(): Settings {
const configuration = workspace.getConfiguration();
const httpSettings = workspace.getConfiguration('http');
const normalizeLimit = (settingValue: any) => Math.trunc(Math.max(0, Number(settingValue))) || 5000;
resultLimit = normalizeLimit(workspace.getConfiguration().get(SettingIds.maxItemsComputed));
const editorJSONSettings = workspace.getConfiguration(SettingIds.editorSection, { languageId: 'json' });
const editorJSONCSettings = workspace.getConfiguration(SettingIds.editorSection, { languageId: 'jsonc' });
jsonFoldingLimit = normalizeLimit(editorJSONSettings.get(SettingIds.foldingMaximumRegions));
jsoncFoldingLimit = normalizeLimit(editorJSONCSettings.get(SettingIds.foldingMaximumRegions));
jsonColorDecoratorLimit = normalizeLimit(editorJSONSettings.get(SettingIds.colorDecoratorsLimit));
jsoncColorDecoratorLimit = normalizeLimit(editorJSONCSettings.get(SettingIds.colorDecoratorsLimit));
const schemas: JSONSchemaSettings[] = [];
const settings: Settings = {
http: {
proxy: httpSettings.get('proxy'),
proxyStrictSSL: httpSettings.get('proxyStrictSSL')
json: {
validate: { enable: configuration.get(SettingIds.enableValidation) },
format: { enable: configuration.get(SettingIds.enableFormatter) },
keepLines: { enable: configuration.get(SettingIds.enableKeepLines) },
resultLimit: resultLimit + 1, // ask for one more so we can detect if the limit has been exceeded
jsonFoldingLimit: jsonFoldingLimit + 1,
jsoncFoldingLimit: jsoncFoldingLimit + 1,
jsonColorDecoratorLimit: jsonColorDecoratorLimit + 1,
jsoncColorDecoratorLimit: jsoncColorDecoratorLimit + 1
* Add schemas from the settings
* folderUri to which folder the setting is scoped to. `undefined` means global (also external files)
* settingsLocation against which path relative schema URLs are resolved
const collectSchemaSettings = (schemaSettings: JSONSchemaSettings[] | undefined, folderUri: string | undefined, settingsLocation: Uri | undefined) => {
if (schemaSettings) {
for (const setting of schemaSettings) {
const url = getSchemaId(setting, settingsLocation);
if (url) {
const schemaSetting: JSONSchemaSettings = { url, fileMatch: setting.fileMatch, folderUri, schema: setting.schema };
const folders = workspace.workspaceFolders ?? [];
const schemaConfigInfo = workspace.getConfiguration('json', null).inspect<JSONSchemaSettings[]>('schemas');
if (schemaConfigInfo) {
// settings in user config
collectSchemaSettings(schemaConfigInfo.globalValue, undefined, undefined);
if (workspace.workspaceFile) {
if (schemaConfigInfo.workspaceValue) {
const settingsLocation = Uri.joinPath(workspace.workspaceFile, '..');
// settings in the workspace configuration file apply to all files (also external files)
collectSchemaSettings(schemaConfigInfo.workspaceValue, undefined, settingsLocation);
for (const folder of folders) {
const folderUri = folder.uri;
const folderSchemaConfigInfo = workspace.getConfiguration('json', folderUri).inspect<JSONSchemaSettings[]>('schemas');
collectSchemaSettings(folderSchemaConfigInfo?.workspaceFolderValue, folderUri.toString(false), folderUri);
} else {
if (schemaConfigInfo.workspaceValue && folders.length === 1) {
// single folder workspace: settings apply to all files (also external files)
collectSchemaSettings(schemaConfigInfo.workspaceValue, undefined, folders[0].uri);
return settings;
function getSchemaId(schema: JSONSchemaSettings, settingsLocation?: Uri): string | undefined {
let url = schema.url;
if (!url) {
if (schema.schema) {
url = schema.schema.id || `vscode://schemas/custom/${encodeURIComponent(hash(schema.schema).toString(16))}`;
} else if (settingsLocation && (url[0] === '.' || url[0] === '/')) {
url = Uri.joinPath(settingsLocation, url).toString(false);
return url;
function isThenable<T>(obj: ProviderResult<T>): obj is Thenable<T> {
return obj && (<any>obj)['then'];
function updateMarkdownString(h: MarkdownString): MarkdownString {
const n = new MarkdownString(h.value, true);
n.isTrusted = h.isTrusted;
return n;
function isSchemaResolveError(d: Diagnostic) {
return d.code === /* SchemaResolveError */ 0x300;